Wi-Fi vs Ethernet - Which is better for online gaming?

October 14, 2021

Wi-Fi vs Ethernet: Which is better for online gaming?

Have you ever experienced lag or connectivity issues while gaming online? Well, the culprit might not always be your internet service provider or game servers. The way you connect your gaming device to the internet can make a big difference in the overall gaming experience. In this article, let's compare Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections to determine which one is better for online gaming.

Wi-Fi for online gaming

Wi-Fi connections are popularly used for gaming because of their convenience. You can connect your device to your home network without the need for wires. Wi-Fi connections are also relatively cheap compared to Ethernet connections. However, when it comes to gaming, there are a few things to keep in mind:


Wi-Fi connections are known to drop or fluctuate in speed, especially if there are physical obstructions or interference. This could result in sporadic or packet loss and higher latency, which could affect the gaming experience.


Latency or ping is the time it takes for a signal to travel from your device to the game servers and back. High latency rates could lead to a noticeable delay in gameplay or even complete disconnection from the server. Wi-Fi connections generally have higher latency rates compared to their wired counterparts.


Wi-Fi connections offer a limited amount of bandwidth or speed. The actual speed varies depending on the router, the device being used, and the distance from the router. In comparison to Ethernet connections, Wi-Fi connections have lower speeds, which could result in slower download and upload times.

Ethernet for online gaming

Ethernet connections require wires to connect the gaming device to the network. Although Ethernet connections may seem a bit more complicated and expensive to set up, the benefits could be worth the investment. Let's take a look:


Ethernet connections offer a stable and reliable connection, with minimal interference or packet loss. Unlike Wi-Fi, there is no risk of dropping the connection because of physical obstructions or competing devices.


Ethernet connections generally perform better in terms of latency compared to Wi-Fi connections. This is mainly due to the wired connection being a direct link between the device and the internet, which eliminates signal interference that could result in higher latency rates.


Ethernet connections have higher bandwidth and faster speeds compared to Wi-Fi connections, which means a faster download and upload speed. This translates to improved performance and reduced lag times during gameplay.


In conclusion, Ethernet connections provide a more stable, reliable, and fast connection compared to Wi-Fi, making it the better option for gaming. Wi-Fi connections may be more convenient, but the compromise in speed and reliability could negatively affect the overall gaming experience.


  • Wired Ethernet Vs. Wi-Fi: Which Is Better for Online Gaming? Source
  • Ethernet vs WiFi for Gamers: What You Need to Know Source

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